
[EN] Last week I got the opportunity to take a first looks at the new Portuguese & English Minimalist magazine and I have fallen in love! It's the first minimalist magazine that I have ever read and I hooked. This amazing new magazine is called Névoa Azul and it's written by the lovely Inês Catarina Pinto, and if I can quote her words: "In its pages you will be able to find several articles that celebrate a simple way of life that praises sustainable consumption, slowness and creativity". It's a bianual magazine that has Minimalism as the main focus. I have been loving to read it, I like to read a few articles at a time, this way I have time to really acknowledge them and also enjoy it for a longer time. It's now part of my very very small magazine stack, and I just love to have it around.

Also, I'm in LOVE with the old school images! So cool and refreshing to see them being used in these days.

[PT] A semana passada tive a oportunidade de dar uma primeira espreitadela a uma nova revista Portuguesa e Inglesa sore Minimalismo, e fiquei completamente apaixonada! É a primeira revista sobre minimalismo que li, e fiquei viciada. Esta nova maravilhosa revista chama-se Névoa Azul e foi escrita pela fantástica Inês Catarina Pinto, e se me é permitido cita-la: "Nas suas páginas vão poder encontrar diversos artigos que celebram um modo de vida simples, onde se elogia o consumo sustentável, a calma e a criatividade." É uma revista Bianual que tem como principal o minimalismo. Tenho estado a adorar lê-la, gosto de ir lendo uns quantos artigos de cada vez para os absorver e aprecia-los por mais tempo. Esta revista é agora parte da minha muito pequena colecção de revistas, e adoro tê-la ca por casa.

E estou completamente apaixonada pelo uso de imagens antigas! É tão fixe e refrescante vê-las a ser usadas nos dias de hoje.

[EN] Last week I got the opportunity to take a first looks at the new Portuguese & English Minimalist magazine and I have fallen in love! It's the first minimalist magazine that I have ever read and I hooked. This amazing new magazine is called Névoa Azul and it's written by the lovely Inês Catarina Pinto, and if I can quote her words: "In its pages you will be able to find several articles that celebrate a simple way of life that praises sustainable consumption, slowness and creativity". It's a bianual magazine that has Minimalism as the main focus. I have been loving to read it, I like to read a few articles at a time, this way I have time to really acknowledge them and also enjoy it for a longer time. It's now part of my very very small magazine stack, and I just love to have it around.

Also, I'm in LOVE with the old school images! So cool and refreshing to see them being used in these days.

[PT] A semana passada tive a oportunidade de dar uma primeira espreitadela a uma nova revista Portuguesa e Inglesa sore Minimalismo, e fiquei completamente apaixonada! É a primeira revista sobre minimalismo que li, e fiquei viciada. Esta nova maravilhosa revista chama-se Névoa Azul e foi escrita pela fantástica Inês Catarina Pinto, e se me é permitido cita-la: "Nas suas páginas vão poder encontrar diversos artigos que celebram um modo de vida simples, onde se elogia o consumo sustentável, a calma e a criatividade." É uma revista Bianual que tem como principal o minimalismo. Tenho estado a adorar lê-la, gosto de ir lendo uns quantos artigos de cada vez para os absorver e aprecia-los por mais tempo. Esta revista é agora parte da minha muito pequena colecção de revistas, e adoro tê-la ca por casa.

E estou completamente apaixonada pelo uso de imagens antigas! É tão fixe e refrescante vê-las a ser usadas nos dias de hoje.

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  1. That magazine sounds amazing! I have been to the webpage blog and I love all the content.
    I adore bianual magazines =)

    1. Thank you Emma for your lovely words about our magazine :)
      If you want a copy of Nevoazul I could send it to you today.
      (on Mondays we go to the post office:)

      Inês Catarina Pinto
      Nevoazul editor

  2. Long time no see, Sophie.
    I have been super busy so I have missed a lot in your blog, but now I'm back!
    This magazine seems very interesting, I have also been enjoying reading magazines with minimalist content, and this one sounds interesting, so I may take a look at it.
    Hope you are well,

    1. Hi Liz!!
      I'm glad to see that you are well, I was wondering where you went, ha ha.
      It's a great magazine! You should go to their website and see if they ship to your country =) It's a must in your coffee table.

      Glad to see you back,

  3. That magazine seems so interesting. I wish we hads it here.


    Renaud | http://xxmuchlove.blogspot.com

    1. They sell it online, go to the website and see if they ship to your country =)





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