
I'm not a shoe girl, high heels are a pain to wear an to buy because of my feet, but I do love boots! Ankle boots and Chelsea boots are something that I can wear all year. Beside boots I like wearing sneakers and flat sandals in the Summer days.

Since I became a minimalist I have shrunk my shoes collection a lot, I used to have a lot of flats in so many different colours, but now I have shoes that are comfortable and that I can use in every situation in my life. I'm really happy with how much I was able to cut down and only keep the essentials for my lifestyle.

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On my small collection I have: 
Leopard Flats // Suede Ankle Boots // Black Lace Up Flats
Brown Sandals // Nike Sneakers // Black Ankle Boots

images below of similar pieces that I own

I'm not a shoe girl, high heels are a pain to wear an to buy because of my feet, but I do love boots! Ankle boots and Chelsea boots are something that I can wear all year. Beside boots I like wearing sneakers and flat sandals in the Summer days.

Since I became a minimalist I have shrunk my shoes collection a lot, I used to have a lot of flats in so many different colours, but now I have shoes that are comfortable and that I can use in every situation in my life. I'm really happy with how much I was able to cut down and only keep the essentials for my lifestyle.

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On my small collection I have: 
Leopard Flats // Suede Ankle Boots // Black Lace Up Flats
Brown Sandals // Nike Sneakers // Black Ankle Boots

images below of similar pieces that I own

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  1. Não poderias ter uma colecção melhor, adoro as nike e as sabrinas de cordões, são ambos perfeitos!


    1. As sabrinas são uma nova tendência que anda pelo mundo, mas amei mesmo.
      E como dou importância aos pormenores, ter umas sabrinas de cordão fica bem melhor de que umas sabrinas básicas pretas =)


  2. Great collection !
    I wish I could reduce mine to only 8 pairs, that would be great!
    Thanks for the inspirations =)

    xo, Emma.

  3. adoro a colecção. com a ajuda do bazar e do olx também estou a diminuir a minha, a pouco e pouco. mas e sapatos de cerimónia? não te fazem falta? eu acho que convém, ter sempre um par :)

    1. Que bom :D
      Fico contente por saber que estas a conseguir vender as tuas coisinhas.
      Raramente vou a cerimonias, e quando vou nunca uso saltos pois não consigo por causa dos meus pés. Por isso acabo sempre por levar sabrinas =)





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