[EN] I did a very intensive jewelry declutter last weekend. I was really honest with myself about what I would actually wear and what I was just keeping because it was pretty and a maybe would wear sometime. The result of this huge declutter was a small and beautiful jewelry box where I can keep all my lovely jewelry. I gave my old jewelry box to my sister because I know she has a lot of jewelry. 

I kept a statement necklace, a few rings and earrings, a few pair of earrings, a few small and simple necklaces and two bracelets. And these are the pieces that I knew I will wear whenever I go out or even on my day to day life.

My favorite pieces from my collection are:
+ A pair of bar earrings
+ A ring that I bought in Mykonos
+ A bracelet that my boyfriend bought me
+ A trio of rings, one gold, one silver and one dark gray

[PT] No passado fim de semana fiz um declutter intensivo das minhas jóias. Fui extremamente honesta comigo mesma sobre que peças realmente usava e iria usar no futuro, e livrei-me de tudo o que simplesmente achava bonito ou que pensava que poderia vir a usar. O resultado desta limpeza foi uma caixinha pequena e maravilhosa de jóias, onde posso guardar todas as minhas peças. Acabei por dar a minha caixa antiga à minha irmã, pois sei que ela tem imensa coisa!

As peças que acabei por guardar foram um colar apelativo, alguns anéis, alguns pares de brincos, uns colares pequenos e simples e duas pulseiras. E estas são as peças que sei que uso e que vou usar, ou quando vou sair, ou no meu dia a dia

As minhas peças favoritas da minha pequena colecção são:
+ Um par de brincos em forma de barra
+ Um anel que comprei em Mykonos
+ Uma pulseira oferecida pelo namorado
+ Um trio de anéis, um dourado, um prateado e um cinzento escuro
[EN] I did a very intensive jewelry declutter last weekend. I was really honest with myself about what I would actually wear and what I was just keeping because it was pretty and a maybe would wear sometime. The result of this huge declutter was a small and beautiful jewelry box where I can keep all my lovely jewelry. I gave my old jewelry box to my sister because I know she has a lot of jewelry. 

I kept a statement necklace, a few rings and earrings, a few pair of earrings, a few small and simple necklaces and two bracelets. And these are the pieces that I knew I will wear whenever I go out or even on my day to day life.

My favorite pieces from my collection are:
+ A pair of bar earrings
+ A ring that I bought in Mykonos
+ A bracelet that my boyfriend bought me
+ A trio of rings, one gold, one silver and one dark gray

[PT] No passado fim de semana fiz um declutter intensivo das minhas jóias. Fui extremamente honesta comigo mesma sobre que peças realmente usava e iria usar no futuro, e livrei-me de tudo o que simplesmente achava bonito ou que pensava que poderia vir a usar. O resultado desta limpeza foi uma caixinha pequena e maravilhosa de jóias, onde posso guardar todas as minhas peças. Acabei por dar a minha caixa antiga à minha irmã, pois sei que ela tem imensa coisa!

As peças que acabei por guardar foram um colar apelativo, alguns anéis, alguns pares de brincos, uns colares pequenos e simples e duas pulseiras. E estas são as peças que sei que uso e que vou usar, ou quando vou sair, ou no meu dia a dia

As minhas peças favoritas da minha pequena colecção são:
+ Um par de brincos em forma de barra
+ Um anel que comprei em Mykonos
+ Uma pulseira oferecida pelo namorado
+ Um trio de anéis, um dourado, um prateado e um cinzento escuro

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  1. That looks great and I love how neat it presents instead of a big jumble. I wear very little jewelry so I have this Umbra Icelet jewelry tree with a small dish at the bottom that holds everything. For travel I put things in an old Chanel satin box that came with a holiday makeup set. Problem solved! I love easy organization and access. Where is your clear box from btw? It's lovely!

    1. I'm still on the look for something where I can carry my jewelry when traveling.
      The box is from Zara Home! It's so pretty right? =)


  2. Gostei de espreitar dentro da tua caixa de jóias!
    Quem me dera conseguir reduzir tanto! :P


    1. Tenta fazer a pouco e pouco e vais ver que chegas la :P
      Tudo leva o seu tempo =)


  3. Oh I love your new jewellery box. Very chic! I have lots of little wooden bowls with my jewellery which I quite like but perhaps it's time for a change!

  4. Omg! Love your jewelry box! So sleek and pretty <3
    I'm still on my way on de-cluttering my accessories xP




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