
As I did in November last year, I decided to create a Spring/Summer capsule wardrobe from my current all year capsule wardrobe. It will consist of 25 pieces, including tops, bottoms, coats, bags, shoes & accessories. It's pretty much what I will wear the entire lovely and hot Spring and Summer months. 

For the next 3 or 4 months this will be my wardrobe:

+ 7 Short Sleeve Tops. The warmer days are upon us, and short sleeve tops are a must!
+ 5 Long Sleeve Tops. Although the days are hot, the nights may get cold, I like to be prepared.
+ 3 Bottoms. I like to wear jeans all year, I don't get along with skirts and shorts.
+ 2 Jackets. It's still not Summer yet, and it seems like the wind and rain are making a comeback.
+ 3 Bags. I think 3 bags will be more than enough.
+ 4 pairs of Shoes. The important ones are my sneakers, the rest is to wear to certain occasions.
+ The extras. Some I items I didn't count as part of my capsule, like beachwear, suitcase, and swimsuits.

See all the items HERE !

As I did in November last year, I decided to create a Spring/Summer capsule wardrobe from my current all year capsule wardrobe. It will consist of 25 pieces, including tops, bottoms, coats, bags, shoes & accessories. It's pretty much what I will wear the entire lovely and hot Spring and Summer months. 

For the next 3 or 4 months this will be my wardrobe:

+ 7 Short Sleeve Tops. The warmer days are upon us, and short sleeve tops are a must!
+ 5 Long Sleeve Tops. Although the days are hot, the nights may get cold, I like to be prepared.
+ 3 Bottoms. I like to wear jeans all year, I don't get along with skirts and shorts.
+ 2 Jackets. It's still not Summer yet, and it seems like the wind and rain are making a comeback.
+ 3 Bags. I think 3 bags will be more than enough.
+ 4 pairs of Shoes. The important ones are my sneakers, the rest is to wear to certain occasions.
+ The extras. Some I items I didn't count as part of my capsule, like beachwear, suitcase, and swimsuits.

See all the items HERE !

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  1. Olá Sophie, tu a definires peças para uma temporada e eu a definir para o ano inteiro :)
    É giro ehehe
    Obrigada pela partilha e é muito bom estares a escrever em português também ;)

    1. Ola Ana, tens toda a razão, hehe :P
      Nao foi bem definir, mas mais uma selecção =)
      Como ja tenho um guarda roupa para o ano inteiro, decidi retirar dele as peças que irei usar esta Primavera/Verão :P


  2. Adoro o facto de ja escreveres em PT, embora nao me importe nada com o Ingles :)
    Adorei as tuas escolhas para o cap. wardrobe! Alias adoro todas as peças do teu armário ! Poucas mas boas, tal como eu gostava de ter.


    1. Fico contente por saber que o facto de escrever em PT esteja a ajudar os meus leitores =)
      Gostavas de ter, e podes ter.
      É tal como ir ao ginásio e ver resultados, demora.. mas quando eles começam a aparecer é fantástico. Foi o que senti com o meu guarda roupa. Demorei bastante a cria-lo e a adapta-lo a minha personalidade e a quem eu sou, mas quando terminei foi um sentimento de alivio. Finalmente tinha uma guarda roupa para o qual podia olhar e dizer "amo tudo" e "tudo me fica bem".

      Devias te aventurar .. olha que vais gostar :P


  3. Oh Sophie, how I adore reading these posts!
    It's such an inspiration. Now I can wait to start creating my own Capsule Wardrobe!

    xo, Emma.

    1. Thanks Emma!
      I'm glad I inspired you =)
      I would love to see your capsule once it's finished! And please, let me know if you need any help =)





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