We buy too many clothes these days, it may be because of the trends or because of the low prices, and most of those clothes will only be worn one or two times, after that they will end up at the back of our closet, waiting to be worn again. We all do this, even I used to do it! I ended up with clothes that I wore once and didn't feel good in them, but I still kept them, hoping that one day it would fit me differently or I would feel better in them.. but that day never came.

Going through my blog when I did my first blog declutter I found a lot of post about my purchases, that made me see how many pieces I was actually buying and not wearing/loving, and that became one of the reasons I started my Shopping Fast.

How about you? Do you still own stuff that you bought and only worn once or twice? Are they at the back of your closet just waiting to come out? Well.. donate them now! Please. Let them make someone else happy. You will feel great for helping others and your closet will be a step closer to a closet that you can love and wear, all the time!
We buy too many clothes these days, it may be because of the trends or because of the low prices, and most of those clothes will only be worn one or two times, after that they will end up at the back of our closet, waiting to be worn again. We all do this, even I used to do it! I ended up with clothes that I wore once and didn't feel good in them, but I still kept them, hoping that one day it would fit me differently or I would feel better in them.. but that day never came.

Going through my blog when I did my first blog declutter I found a lot of post about my purchases, that made me see how many pieces I was actually buying and not wearing/loving, and that became one of the reasons I started my Shopping Fast.

How about you? Do you still own stuff that you bought and only worn once or twice? Are they at the back of your closet just waiting to come out? Well.. donate them now! Please. Let them make someone else happy. You will feel great for helping others and your closet will be a step closer to a closet that you can love and wear, all the time!

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  1. After reading about how little of donated clothes actually are being sold in second hand stores and re-used (http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/07/where-does-discarded-clothing-go/374613/), I prefer to give unwanted clothes to friends, family or try to sell online, feeling more secure that they will be used again!

    1. Yes, I also do that! I first try and pass them to friends or family, but if no one wants them I give them to charity. It may not end at a charity shop, but it's better then putting them in the trash.


  2. Houve alturas que tinha muita coisa no armário ainda com etiqueta. Hoje tento não fazer isso, tento comprar com mais consciência =)

    1. Eu também tinha esse problema, mas felizmente já não.
      Graças ao minimalismo tudo isso mudou! =)


  3. I'm so guilty of this!
    I bet that if I go into my closet right now I can find 3 or 4 pieces that are still there just because I believe I may wear them some day.
    Maybe I will do a swap with my close friends!

    xo, Emma.




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