I'm going to try and make this a bit more simple for you guys, so that you don't get so overwhelmed when creating your Minimal Wardrobe. There are just a few basic steps to start, after that you can read a few of my posts and get more info on the subject.

The seven steps to editing a wardrobe

+  Purge // Take everything out of the closet and separate them into piles (keep, donate, trash, save for later)

+  Analyse // Try everything on and be honest with yourself. See which pieces you year the most and which colours and start to define your personal style

+ Look for Inspiration // Find some images that you love, some styles that may define your personal style, and start creating a board of your personal style 

+ Create a list // make a list of pieces that you need to buy to create your minimal wardrobe, and invest on items that fit you well and will last you a long time.

+ Ask yourself these questions when analyzing your closet:
Do I wear this item a lot ? 
Does it fit me properly ?
Is this item a piece that I want to invest more money in ?
Does this item fit into my overall style?
Can I create different outfits with this one item?
Is it comfortable and flattering? Do I feel good wearing it?
Do I love wearing this item or do I just like the way it looks on the hanger?

+ Create different wardrobes // if you have the need, create separa wardrobes. Maybe one for work, if you don't like to wear your work clothes on your day of, a workout wardrobe, if you are a gym lover, and even home clothing wardrobe.

+ Organize what is left // make sure everything is visible, accessible, and organized in an aesthetically-pleasing manner. It will make getting dressed so much more enjoyable, easier, and quicker! 

Make sure you love everything in your closet, even your pajamas and socks. Make sure everything goes with each piece and that everything fits you properly. Your wardrobe is a projection of yourself, not of others, make sure your wear items that represent who your are.

M Y   M I N I M A L I S T   W A R D R O B E
I'm going to try and make this a bit more simple for you guys, so that you don't get so overwhelmed when creating your Minimal Wardrobe. There are just a few basic steps to start, after that you can read a few of my posts and get more info on the subject.

The seven steps to editing a wardrobe

+  Purge // Take everything out of the closet and separate them into piles (keep, donate, trash, save for later)

+  Analyse // Try everything on and be honest with yourself. See which pieces you year the most and which colours and start to define your personal style

+ Look for Inspiration // Find some images that you love, some styles that may define your personal style, and start creating a board of your personal style 

+ Create a list // make a list of pieces that you need to buy to create your minimal wardrobe, and invest on items that fit you well and will last you a long time.

+ Ask yourself these questions when analyzing your closet:
Do I wear this item a lot ? 
Does it fit me properly ?
Is this item a piece that I want to invest more money in ?
Does this item fit into my overall style?
Can I create different outfits with this one item?
Is it comfortable and flattering? Do I feel good wearing it?
Do I love wearing this item or do I just like the way it looks on the hanger?

+ Create different wardrobes // if you have the need, create separa wardrobes. Maybe one for work, if you don't like to wear your work clothes on your day of, a workout wardrobe, if you are a gym lover, and even home clothing wardrobe.

+ Organize what is left // make sure everything is visible, accessible, and organized in an aesthetically-pleasing manner. It will make getting dressed so much more enjoyable, easier, and quicker! 

Make sure you love everything in your closet, even your pajamas and socks. Make sure everything goes with each piece and that everything fits you properly. Your wardrobe is a projection of yourself, not of others, make sure your wear items that represent who your are.

M Y   M I N I M A L I S T   W A R D R O B E

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  1. Quando comecei a ler sobre capsule wardrobe + konmari method, meu guarda-roupa ficou tão vazio que basicamente não tenho o que vestir, pois as coisas que sobraram depois da análise e declutter já não me serviam mais, devido a uma doença que me fez engordar muito. Ainda não tive coragem de comprar coisas novas na esperança de conseguir emagrecer, enquanto isso vou revezando o pouco que sobrou hahaha :)

    1. Tambem tive esse "problema".
      Fiquei com muito poucas peças depois de avaliar realmente a minha roupa.
      Mas não me preocupei, pois sabia que as peças que tinha eu adorava e podia vesti-las todos os dias e não me fartar!
      Se estas a espera para emagrecer acho perfeitamente normal que mantenhas o guarda roupa que tens agora, se te sentires bem com ele claro. Pois nao vale de nada comprar peças para um futuro incerto =)


  2. Gostei imenso de ler as dicas para ter um guarda-roupa minimalista! Confesso que o meu guarda-roupa não tem muita coisa mas tudo aquilo que tem eu uso (:
    Grande beijinho,


    1. Muita gente não pode afirmar o mesmo. A maioria das pessoas nao usa mais de metade do guarda roupa!
      Ainda bem que gostaste das dicas =)


  3. Sophie adorei as dicas e ja estou colocando em prática. Obrigada

    1. Fico feliz por ter ajudado =)
      Se tiveres alguma duvida ou precisares de alguma ajuda baste dizeres =)


  4. This just made my day.
    It's was I have been missing this whole time!
    I'm going to attack my closet this weekend!

    xo, Emma.

    1. Thanks Emma.
      This weekend would be perfect for this.. they say it's going to be a rainy weekend!


  5. Sem dúvida que este guia está fantástico! Vou guardá-lo e segui-lo num futuro muito próximo. Já diminui em 50% o meu armário quando me mudei com o meu namorado há quase um ano atrás e também já dividi uma vez o meu armário em uma parte para o trabalho e outro para os outros dias, quando comecei a trabalhar na minha empresa, mas esses links que tens aí acho que ainda me vão ajudar mais a diminuir as minhas coisas. ^^




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