I used to carry so many things in my bag that made it too heavy, but since discovering minimalism my bag now had the perfect amount of weight.. not too heavy and not too light. I have been postponing this post for too long now...

what I currently take with me everywhere I go:

+ My Minimalist wallet. Since I minimized my wallet is has been so much easier to carry it around, and it fits in every bag I own... it even fits in the back pocket of my jeans.

+ Cellphone. I go nowhere without my Cellphone, not for the apps and Instagram pictures, but for the calls and messages, it's and essential these days.

+ Home & work keys. an essential in my life.

+ Notebook & Pen: I go nowhere without a something to write on. You never know when an idea may come on or when you need to write something important down.

+ Sunglasses & reading glasses. Depending on how the day is, I will take my sunglasses.

+ Beauty Pouch. Every girl needs this. I carry inside tampons, pills, hair-band, bobby pins, lip balm, nail file, hand cream, mirror and some other bits, you know... the essential for survival ha ha.

+ Favorite lipstick. I never leave the house without grabbing the lipstick I'm wearing at the moment and putting it into my bag. You never know when you need to touch up.

+ Lipbalm. I always bring a lip balm with me. My lips get so dry in the winter that I can never leave the house without it!

+ Roll-on Perfume. Although I apply perfume before leaving the house, I like to take with me a little roll on perfume for when a need to fresh up.

Besides the normal stuff, I may also carry an umbrella if it's raining and a shopping tote if I'm going grocery shopping so I don't have to buy plastic bags.
I used to carry so many things in my bag that made it too heavy, but since discovering minimalism my bag now had the perfect amount of weight.. not too heavy and not too light. I have been postponing this post for too long now...

what I currently take with me everywhere I go:

+ My Minimalist wallet. Since I minimized my wallet is has been so much easier to carry it around, and it fits in every bag I own... it even fits in the back pocket of my jeans.

+ Cellphone. I go nowhere without my Cellphone, not for the apps and Instagram pictures, but for the calls and messages, it's and essential these days.

+ Home & work keys. an essential in my life.

+ Notebook & Pen: I go nowhere without a something to write on. You never know when an idea may come on or when you need to write something important down.

+ Sunglasses & reading glasses. Depending on how the day is, I will take my sunglasses.

+ Beauty Pouch. Every girl needs this. I carry inside tampons, pills, hair-band, bobby pins, lip balm, nail file, hand cream, mirror and some other bits, you know... the essential for survival ha ha.

+ Favorite lipstick. I never leave the house without grabbing the lipstick I'm wearing at the moment and putting it into my bag. You never know when you need to touch up.

+ Lipbalm. I always bring a lip balm with me. My lips get so dry in the winter that I can never leave the house without it!

+ Roll-on Perfume. Although I apply perfume before leaving the house, I like to take with me a little roll on perfume for when a need to fresh up.

Besides the normal stuff, I may also carry an umbrella if it's raining and a shopping tote if I'm going grocery shopping so I don't have to buy plastic bags.

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  1. a mala, a carteira e a bolsa dos remédios são lindas, lindas, lindas!

    1. A mala é uma nova aquisição.
      Estou apaixinadissima por ela :D


    2. é muito, muito gira!
      e tens aqui o novo link do blog, se quiseres continuar a seguir :) http://ohlalablogpt.blogspot.pt/

  2. Adoro a mala! Estive 5 minutos a olhar para ela e não a trouxe para casa, agora arrependo me :/

    OH, Carolina

    Love, Carolina

    1. Andava a procura de uma tote bag já a algum tempo, e quando vi essa no site da Zara nem hesitei! É simples mas ao mesmo tempo diferente, foi isso que adorei nela =)


  3. Pretty much the same thing :P

    1. Temos de manter a mala simples.. para não nos dizerem que andamos sempre com a casa atrás :P


  4. Great bag!
    So simple yet different!
    Those key rings are so in right now. But mine is still great and I love it too.


    1. No need to get a new key chain just because it's the new trend.
      I got mine because I liked it and my old one broke.





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