This Spring I'm all about light colours and flowy fabrics. If you are now starting your capsule wardrobe and need some inspiration for this spring, I'm here to share some of my personal favourites to wear this Spring. All pics from my own wardrobe. Hope you enjoy and get some inspiration:

This Spring / Summer my favourite thing to wear will be nude colours. Whites, Creams, soft pinks, light grey, etc.. The sun is to hot to walk around in black clothes, and it's a great way to change the colour palette a bit from the dark colour I wear all Winter.

One of my favourite accessories in my wardrobe is my pink shoulder bag from H&M that I got when I went to Paris. I wear it all year and it goes so well with my clothes. I like to wear it because it give a touch of colour to a all black outfit, and its also great in the Spring to complete a more light colour outfit.

T-SHIRT & STRIPES There is something about wearing stripes in the warmer months, it always remind me of the beach and vacation. Striped t-shirts are great to achieve a more relax look but at the same time they can be dressed up.

FLOWY BLOUSES I love wearing white blouses all year, but in the Spring, a light fabric blouse makes the perfect piece to wear. I recently got a white blouse to add to my capsule and I love it! I also got a striped blouse last year that I adore wearing, it goes so well with jeans or with a skirt/shorts.

THE PATTERNS I'm all in favour of patterns, although I don't enjoy the Spring patterns like flowers, I do love wearing my leopard flats and my Zara sleeveless top with a similar pattern to a leopard, I tried this top with my new jeans and it's an amazing combination! So add a little pattern to you capsule, but don't go overboard with it!

SANDALS & ANKLE BOOTS Wearing sandals in the hot days is already pretty normal, I do however also love wearing my ankle boots all year! Ankle boots with shorts an dresses look so amazing. I prefer sandals in a brown colour because it will look great on my not-so-tanned skin, ha ha.


I hope this little tips from my personal taste help you create or add some pieces to your capsule wardrobe. Always keep in mind your personal style and how you feel wearing the clothes, so if you don't like wearing sandals don't wear them just because it's a hot day and they call you mad for wearing ankle boots, instead.. rock those boots! ;)

This Spring I'm all about light colours and flowy fabrics. If you are now starting your capsule wardrobe and need some inspiration for this spring, I'm here to share some of my personal favourites to wear this Spring. All pics from my own wardrobe. Hope you enjoy and get some inspiration:

This Spring / Summer my favourite thing to wear will be nude colours. Whites, Creams, soft pinks, light grey, etc.. The sun is to hot to walk around in black clothes, and it's a great way to change the colour palette a bit from the dark colour I wear all Winter.

One of my favourite accessories in my wardrobe is my pink shoulder bag from H&M that I got when I went to Paris. I wear it all year and it goes so well with my clothes. I like to wear it because it give a touch of colour to a all black outfit, and its also great in the Spring to complete a more light colour outfit.

T-SHIRT & STRIPES There is something about wearing stripes in the warmer months, it always remind me of the beach and vacation. Striped t-shirts are great to achieve a more relax look but at the same time they can be dressed up.

FLOWY BLOUSES I love wearing white blouses all year, but in the Spring, a light fabric blouse makes the perfect piece to wear. I recently got a white blouse to add to my capsule and I love it! I also got a striped blouse last year that I adore wearing, it goes so well with jeans or with a skirt/shorts.

THE PATTERNS I'm all in favour of patterns, although I don't enjoy the Spring patterns like flowers, I do love wearing my leopard flats and my Zara sleeveless top with a similar pattern to a leopard, I tried this top with my new jeans and it's an amazing combination! So add a little pattern to you capsule, but don't go overboard with it!

SANDALS & ANKLE BOOTS Wearing sandals in the hot days is already pretty normal, I do however also love wearing my ankle boots all year! Ankle boots with shorts an dresses look so amazing. I prefer sandals in a brown colour because it will look great on my not-so-tanned skin, ha ha.


I hope this little tips from my personal taste help you create or add some pieces to your capsule wardrobe. Always keep in mind your personal style and how you feel wearing the clothes, so if you don't like wearing sandals don't wear them just because it's a hot day and they call you mad for wearing ankle boots, instead.. rock those boots! ;)

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  1. Yes, yes, yes! Gosto de tudo, usava tudo, pedia tudo! Posso partilhar esta tua wishlist com os amores da minha vida? (e vou-lhes já dizendo que só são mesmo "amores" se fizerem o jeitinho de me concretizar todos os desejos, pois claro!). É que nem consigo escolher "a" peça preferida. Usava tudo!

    Sara Cabido | Little Tiny Pieces of Me

    1. Ola Sara =)
      É claro que podes partilhar com os teus amores ^^ Para mim nao é bem uma Wishlist, pois ja tenho estas peças todas no meu closet, mas é claro que pode servir como uma =)


  2. Também adoro estes tons em branco, camel, light grey, beje para o Verão, acho são cores "frescas" e que dão a sensação de leveza. Por acaso ainda preciso de investir numa casaco branco ;)

  3. fantastic picks!

  4. Bem, pode vir tudo cá para casa! :D :D

    Beijinhoo *

    1. Ha ha, o que me vale é que ja tenho tudo isto :P
      Mas é sempre bom acrescentar algumas destas coisinhas na tua Wishlist =)





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