I decided to make a little challenge for you guys to help you start you minimalist journey or at least help you get organized and get rid of clutter. This challenge is to be done in 30 days, but if you want to do more than one day at the time you totally can. Also, this challenge is only for the bedroom, because I know most of you still live at your parents home, like me, so you can only declutter your bedroom and maybe the bathroom. So here we go, hope you enjoy this, and good luck!

1. Work Desk & drawers
2. Book Shelf
3. Paper Archive
4. Jewelry Box
5. Scarfs & Hats
6. Underwear
7. Shoes
8. Closet Drawers
9. Outerwear
10. Your clothes
11. Towels & Sheets
12. Bed
13. Magazines, CD's, DVD's, Notebooks
14. Makeup Collection
15. Nail polishes
16. Perfumes, Candles & Incense
17. Beauty Items
18. Bedside table
19. Organize counter tops
20. Wallet
21. Inside your bag
22. Bag Collection
23. Furniture
24. Decor items (lamps, frames, vases, etc)
25. Junk Drawer/Box 1
26. Junk Drawer/Box2
27. Photos & Memorabilia
28. Computer Files
29. Subscriptions & Websites
30. Email

After you have done this 30 tasks you can now donate, sell or trash the items you have decluttered. You can also do the tasks once more just to make sure you got rid of everything that was unnecessary to your life. You can also keep a box in your closet or in any other place so that every time you find something you don't need or want you can toss it inside and at the end of every month, donate the box.

Check out this post I made to know what to do after you declutter.
I decided to make a little challenge for you guys to help you start you minimalist journey or at least help you get organized and get rid of clutter. This challenge is to be done in 30 days, but if you want to do more than one day at the time you totally can. Also, this challenge is only for the bedroom, because I know most of you still live at your parents home, like me, so you can only declutter your bedroom and maybe the bathroom. So here we go, hope you enjoy this, and good luck!

1. Work Desk & drawers
2. Book Shelf
3. Paper Archive
4. Jewelry Box
5. Scarfs & Hats
6. Underwear
7. Shoes
8. Closet Drawers
9. Outerwear
10. Your clothes
11. Towels & Sheets
12. Bed
13. Magazines, CD's, DVD's, Notebooks
14. Makeup Collection
15. Nail polishes
16. Perfumes, Candles & Incense
17. Beauty Items
18. Bedside table
19. Organize counter tops
20. Wallet
21. Inside your bag
22. Bag Collection
23. Furniture
24. Decor items (lamps, frames, vases, etc)
25. Junk Drawer/Box 1
26. Junk Drawer/Box2
27. Photos & Memorabilia
28. Computer Files
29. Subscriptions & Websites
30. Email

After you have done this 30 tasks you can now donate, sell or trash the items you have decluttered. You can also do the tasks once more just to make sure you got rid of everything that was unnecessary to your life. You can also keep a box in your closet or in any other place so that every time you find something you don't need or want you can toss it inside and at the end of every month, donate the box.

Check out this post I made to know what to do after you declutter.

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  1. Great challenge!! will try to do it

  2. Mudei de casa há uns dias e, sem dúvida, não houve maneira melhor do que esta para me separar de muita coisa. Alguma deitei ao lixo, mas muita doei a uma instituição de caridade. E que bem que me soube! Soube-me bem ficar com menos, e soube-me ajudar alguém. Acho cada vez mais importante termos noção daquilo que não precisamos, parece que é um peso que nos sai de cima.

    Acho muito interessante este desafio! Só não o faço, porque já não preciso. *

    1. Eu também quando mudei de casa há uns anos atras também deitei muita coisa fora. Mas desde que comecei a minha viagem minimalista que acho que me livrei de muito mais coisas do que quando me mudei.
      Ainda hoje estive a arrumar o quarto, e consegui deitar fora mais um saco grande de lixo, com coisas que já não faziam falta. Por isso estamos sempre a livrar-nos de coisas =)


  3. eu ainda hoje ataquei o meu armário! bem precisava

  4. Ainda ontem fiz uma limpeza enorme no meu quarto! Sabe sempre bem!

    1. Mesmo.
      Acabei de o fazer hoje, e la foi mais um saco de coisas para o lixo e para doar.


  5. Olá. :) Descobri o blog há pouco e comecei hoje "oficialmente" o meu desafio dos 30 dias. Na realidade já tinha o hábito de ir doando, mas essencialmente roupa...confesso que senti uma lufada de ar fresco ao ler mais sobre o minimalismo, fez-me todo o sentido a forma como o descreves. Adaptei o guia à minha casa e já risquei algumas coisas da lista. :D É de facto uma sensação maravilhosa libertarmo-nos do que não gostamos/queremos/precisamos e rodearmo-nos apenas daquilo que, de alguma forma, transmite o que somos. É também uma boa metáfora para a vida em geral, não é? :) Anyway, muito obrigada pela inspiração.

    1. Olá Marisa =)
      Obrigado pelo comentário, e fico feliz por saber que o minimalismo tenha tido uma influencia positiva na tua vida.
      Vivermos apenas rodeados por aquilo que gostamos e nos traz alegria é sem duvida uma das melhores coisas da vida.
      Boa sorte com o desafio e fico feliz por saber que te inspirei =)


  6. Hello!

    I love your blog and every entry you post. I'm trying to do this challenge, but I really find difficult how to organize and declutter books, papers and digital files. I'll really appreciate if you share some tips about it.

    Thank you! ♡

    1. Hey Anamar =)
      Some people find it hard to declutter certain parts of their home. For book lovers, that love to have a wall filled with books, it may get a bit tricky, and there is no shame in decluttering everything else and leave your beloved book collection intact.

      But, you you just have too many books and want to downsize them just start by getting rid of those that you don't really love and will not read again.

      As for papers and digital files, you need to understand what really is important to save, and organize that.
      Maybe create some pile of files that you know you need and a pile of files you are not sure, so that you can take care of them later.

      For my files, I have a few binders to separate things like Home files, Bank files, School, etc..

      On my digital files I have different folders for photos, docs, blog stuff, work documents.

      Just declutter and organize at the same time. Is much easier that way =)

      Hope I was of help!




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