Minimalism is not a trend, but a way of life. It's a choice that makes us pay more attention to moments and people, instead of things. It's about choosing between buying useless items all the time and living with what really is essential. There is no logic reason to own three wood spoons when you only use one. It's about saying NO to those "just in case" items, because why do you need to have a set of plates and only wear them once a year? Minimalism is about valuing what we own, appreciate the things we buy and love, it's about going out with friends instead of staying home cleaning and ironing clothes!
The path to minimalism can be long, you do not become a minimalist in just one day, so don't get rid of all your stuff just to get them back in 2 weeks. The process takes time, everyone has their journey, their obstacles. It's a personal journey, it's something that we must really want for our lives, and not just do it because it's some kind of trend.
Why should we choose minimalism? Because is the perfect way of live, minimalism is appreciating life, is paying attention to what we really love and value, is spending money on important things, is to be able to pack up our stuff, put it in the car, and just go. It's the most accurate definition of being free.
Adorei o post. Fico sempre tão inspirada quando entro no teu blog. A sério! ^^ Em relação ao que falaste sobre o serviço de loiça, tenho andado seriamente a considerar tirar todo o meu serviço especial de dentro do caixote onde está e começar a usá-lo diariamente, em vez de só de vez em quando. Sinto tanta pena de o ver ali guardado. Só não sei se a minha avó, que mo ofereceu, iria gostar que fizesse isso. =$
ReplyDeleteObrigado Tânia =)
DeleteA minha opinião é que as coisas são para ser usadas. Não para apanhar pó :P
Como disse o William Moris "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
E se temos as coisas e gostamos dela, devemos de aprecia-las e dar-lhes uso =)
I feel like you captured the thought of minimalism quite well in this post! Sadly, many, many people do not quite get it and think it's just related to colors of your clothes. It's just like you said - it's a lifestyle, not a fashion fad. You can wear floral t-shirts and still be a minimalist; on the flip side - you can wear all white all the time yet still be a slave to your possessions. Great read!
ReplyDeletexx, blog.moiminnie.com
Thank you so much Milica :)
DeleteYes everyone seem to think that being a minimalist is all about wearing black & white. I could wear only yellow and still be a minimalism.
I'm glad you liked my little text on minimalism.
I enjoyed this text so much. And I agree with every word of it.
ReplyDeleteAnother keep for my folder :)
xo, Emma.
Thanks Emma =)
DeleteI'm glad you liked and agree with it.
I wish more people understood what minimalism really is.
You're so right!!
ReplyDelete>> http://joandcompanystyle.blogspot.pt/ <<
Thanks Joana =)
DeleteI wish more people would adopt this lifestyle, instead of buying buying buying.
Tenho que admitir que a um ano atrás pensava que minimalismo era algo simples, baseado em tons neutros mas neste momento tenho uma visão diferente do que tinha antes. Com esta tua reflexão fico cada vez mais uma vez tentada a cumprir a minha jornada neste modo de vida. Muito obrigada pelas tuas palavras. xx Joanne
Fico contente por saber que as minhas palavras te inspiraram.
DeleteA cada dia que passa tambem me sinto mais e mais inspirada a manter este estilo de vida. Foi uma grande mudança, mas nao poderia estar mais feliz =)
Really enjoyed this article. I agree wholeheartedly. It is about slow buying and appreciating what you have, not a lot of things only in black & white. That is how I found your blog originally because I was looking for minimalist wardrobes (which I have in practice but want to inject more style into) and kept coming across recommended "minimalist" bloggers and instagrammers who buy more in 6 months than I do in 6 years. While from a fashion standpoint that translates to minimalist aesthetic it should not be confused with minimalism.
ReplyDeleteYes you are right! There are two kinds of minimalism.. there is minimalism in life and in fashion. They have separate meanings, and sometimes people get confused.
DeleteMinimalism in fashion is basically a fashion style, like Boho style or Preppy style. Nothing to do with minimalism in the way of life.
loved it! so true, but sometimes is hard to part from some objects...
Raw Studio
Yes, it can be a bit hard to let go of some objects, but it all depends.
DeleteWith minimalism, you get to keep what you love and makes you happy, or is useful for you. The rest can go =)
Tenho pensado tanto nisto que até dói... Quando olho para os meus armários e vejo aquele serviço de jantar que nunca serviu, mas que não consigo livrar-me dele porque foi uma prenda de casamento. Ou aquela camisola que me fica apertada, mas que eu amo e não consigo pensar em desfazer-me dela. Ou as toneladas de caixas e caixinhas de plástico, muitas das quais nunca viram comida lá dentro... Quando olho para todas essas coisas, muitas delas presentes de aniversário, de Natal, coisas que comprei porque sim, etc, penso "tanto dinheiro desperdiçado!" e, o pior, tanta coisa que me faz perder tanto tempo a limpar e organizar e a compor para dois ou três dias depois (ou nem isso, com uma criança e três felinos lá em casa não é fácil manter nada arrumado) estar tudo de pantanas. Arrrrgh!!!!!!!! :D Gostei muito de conhecer o teu blog, é mais uma referência para me "livrar" daquilo que realmente não faz falta. ;)
ReplyDeleteEu via todas essas coisas quando morava com os meus pais. Lembro-me perfeitamente de quando era mais nova e pensar para mim mesma " mas porque é que a minha mãe quer tantos pratos que nunca a vi usar?" . E dava em doida com a quantidade de coisas que estavam na cristaleira a apanhar pó!
DeleteFico contente por saber que o meu blog te inspira para te livrares das coisas desnecessárias =)