I have wrote down a few tricks that have helped me to limit my spending. We all know that we should make a budget and write all our expenses down, but in this list I added a few extra ways you can limit what you spend, so take notes.

+ Unsubscribe //  when I decluttered my e-mail, I made the mistake of keeping the subscriptions to some shops that I like, in hope that I would receive a huge deal.. but what happen was that I was getting e-mails every week of promotion and temptations. After a while I unsubscribed from everything! 

+ Be picky // rather than grabbing everything that catches your eye, limit yourself to what catches your breath. Is the piece truly special? or are you just buying it by impulse? Know what you truly need and want, and always go for a better version of the item, don't content yourself with the cheap one.

+ The 24-hour rule // if you find yourself torn on whether or not to buy try the 24-hour rule: don’t buy it, go back home and wait at least 24 hours before making your decision. Do this for online shopping ir even when shopping with friends. Don't let yourself feel pressure to bring something home just because your friend says it looks cute on you.

+ Pay in cash // when you have your budget money in your hands it will make you see how much you are really spending! And for when you shop online, try to stick to your budget. Add things to your cart and evaluate the total.

+ Make a list // always make a list of the things you need the most, and try to stick to it. If your priority is to buy a white blouse, don't get distracted and bring a blue one home!

I have wrote down a few tricks that have helped me to limit my spending. We all know that we should make a budget and write all our expenses down, but in this list I added a few extra ways you can limit what you spend, so take notes.

+ Unsubscribe //  when I decluttered my e-mail, I made the mistake of keeping the subscriptions to some shops that I like, in hope that I would receive a huge deal.. but what happen was that I was getting e-mails every week of promotion and temptations. After a while I unsubscribed from everything! 

+ Be picky // rather than grabbing everything that catches your eye, limit yourself to what catches your breath. Is the piece truly special? or are you just buying it by impulse? Know what you truly need and want, and always go for a better version of the item, don't content yourself with the cheap one.

+ The 24-hour rule // if you find yourself torn on whether or not to buy try the 24-hour rule: don’t buy it, go back home and wait at least 24 hours before making your decision. Do this for online shopping ir even when shopping with friends. Don't let yourself feel pressure to bring something home just because your friend says it looks cute on you.

+ Pay in cash // when you have your budget money in your hands it will make you see how much you are really spending! And for when you shop online, try to stick to your budget. Add things to your cart and evaluate the total.

+ Make a list // always make a list of the things you need the most, and try to stick to it. If your priority is to buy a white blouse, don't get distracted and bring a blue one home!


  1. Once again this post has turned out to be very useful to me.
    I have been trying to reduce my spending, and in this post you wrote some ideas that I would never have thought about.
    Thanks Sophie :)

    xo, Emma.

    1. Thank you so much Emma,
      I'm glad my posts are helping my readers =)


  2. Completamente apaixonada pelo teu blog! Desde o designer até aos conteúdos!
    Muito bom!
    Já estou a seguir.

    1. Obrigado Juliana !
      Vou espreitar o teu blog =)


  3. óptimos conselhos! Muito bons mesmo!

  4. Gostei das tuas dicas. De facto, sempre que vou às compras, acabo por trazer coisas que nem sequer preciso eheh :)

    1. Espero que as minha dicas te ajudem a poupar um bocadinho :P





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