The lovely Anna from the blog "Anna Costa" nominated me to pass this TAG along and to answer the questions she had for me. I thought this would make a good Sunday post, so here it is.
+ Answer the questions from the person that nominated you
+ Create 10 question for the persons you are going to nominate
+ Tag 3 to 10 persons and let them know of the nomination
+ Create 10 question for the persons you are going to nominate
+ Tag 3 to 10 persons and let them know of the nomination
1. What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is not to be able to fulfil my dreams and not be able to live a life that I love.
2. Do you listen to music with high volume or with the low volume? It depends. Sometimes I feel like I need to turn the volume all the way up and have a party by myself, at other times I like to hear so softer music and do some work.
3. What is the last book you have read? The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
4. Is your self-esteem high or low? It depends on the day, but most of the time is pretty high.
5. What would you do if you won the lottery? I think about this a lot, and besides getting some of the things that I always wanted to have I would also love to help out my friends and help them make their dreams come true!
6. What gets on your nerves? Un-organized people, liars, stupid people, false people... oh and trailers better than the movie!
7. What is your favourite memory? I love all the memories that I have from my travels and from dates with friends, they are definitely the best memories I own. But of course London has a special place in my memories.
8. Do you do anything weird when you are alone? Is organizing a weird thing? and how about dancing around?
9. What do you wear to bed ? Pyjama pants or shorts and a t-shirt.
10. What is your biggest wish at the moment? To be happy, to have more time to be with my friends, travel and have fun.
Maria Francisca, Sara Morais | The Citified and Susana // Diary of Glam
Maria Francisca, Sara Morais | The Citified and Susana // Diary of Glam
1.Why do you blog?
2. Do you have any special talent?
3. Are you organized?
4. Have you considered becoming a minimalist?
5. Do you prefer the city or the beach?
6. If you could meet your favourite band, who would you meet?
7. Any good book recommendation?
8. What is your favourite painter?
9. What is your favourite naipolish colour?
10. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
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Amei as perguntas! Já respondi e já agendei o post :) Obrigada pela nomeação!
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