
Photo albums for me are a pain in the ass! I mean, I love the memories and I love the photos, but I have having to carry them around when moving and obligating people to flip through the pages of unending  landscapes and "funny pictures". 

I like creating digital photo albums for my own pleasure, like I shares with you guys on this post, but I also like sharing my small moments with friends when they come over to my house. So I made the decision to create a single photo album for all of my memories, and this is how I did that.

 I created 3 simple rules for this:

Rule 1 // Number of photos
I decided to stick to a number of photos per event or trip. For the events like birthdays, party's, hang outs.. I decided to only keep 2 that I truly love, and for every trip I will keep 4 photos.

Rule 2 // Make the most use of the space
If in any case I need to add more photos, I decided to place 2 pictures in 1. This means arrange the photos on my computer so that I can fit 2 pictures in a 15 x 20 cm photo.

Rule 3 // Always be honest with myself
I mean, do I really need that pictures of that completely normal looking cake to remind me of my dad's birthday? or that picture of that funny looking rock? I bet not. Cut out the "trash".

Photo albums for me are a pain in the ass! I mean, I love the memories and I love the photos, but I have having to carry them around when moving and obligating people to flip through the pages of unending  landscapes and "funny pictures". 

I like creating digital photo albums for my own pleasure, like I shares with you guys on this post, but I also like sharing my small moments with friends when they come over to my house. So I made the decision to create a single photo album for all of my memories, and this is how I did that.

 I created 3 simple rules for this:

Rule 1 // Number of photos
I decided to stick to a number of photos per event or trip. For the events like birthdays, party's, hang outs.. I decided to only keep 2 that I truly love, and for every trip I will keep 4 photos.

Rule 2 // Make the most use of the space
If in any case I need to add more photos, I decided to place 2 pictures in 1. This means arrange the photos on my computer so that I can fit 2 pictures in a 15 x 20 cm photo.

Rule 3 // Always be honest with myself
I mean, do I really need that pictures of that completely normal looking cake to remind me of my dad's birthday? or that picture of that funny looking rock? I bet not. Cut out the "trash".

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  1. Oi Sophie! Eu estava pretendendo fazer um post a respeito disso também, mas minha abordagem vai ser diferente. Em dez/2013 eu perdi TODAS as fotos que eu tinha, então a partir de 2014 comecei a revelar periodicamente, além de manter backups das que não revelo. A ideia de fazer fotoálbum é muito boa, e é bom que dá para padronizar, né? Eu, por exemplo, estou com 3 álbuns cheios, mas não são iguais, apenas mantém as cores preto e branco. Me incomoda um pouco...

    Ah, eu mudei meu blog de endereço e agora é http://anna-costa.blogspot.com.br/


    1. Oi Anna,
      eu tambem costumava revelar as fotos, mas agora o que faço é um backup num Disco externo. Assim se o Computador avariar elas estão a salvo.
      Ja ter 3 albums com apenas 25 anos para mim é demais. Quero no máximo 4 ao longo da minha vida toda, e 4 mesmo assim ja são demais. Mas cada um tem o que lhe faz feliz =)

      Sim ja reparei ^^ Continuarei a seguir claro !


  2. Gosto muito de ver o album de fotos... das outras pessoas. Raramente tiro fotos a mim própria por isso acho que nem 1 album era capaz de encher, mas gostei muito da tua ideia ;)




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