When you create your capsule wardrobe, one of the things you are able to do is to invest on some quality pieces that will last you a long time, but.. yes there is a but, you do need to take care of them, an investment piece is not only about the price you spend on it, is about the care you give to it. If you want it to last a few years or more, you need to take care of it.

So here are some tips to keep in mind when taking care of your clothing investments:

» Don't buy clothes that need to be dry cleaned. This will save you money and time.

» Read the labels on your pieces. This will help to know and "understand" what your clothes need. Most of the clothing pieces get the same care, but there may be a special piece that needs a different approach when washing or ironing.

» Don’t over wash your clothes. If you wash your clothes more than you should be washing them, otherwise they will lose their color or widen from all the washing.

» Organize your laundry. When it is time to do laundry, carefully read the tags on your clothes and divide accordingly. Not only lights with lights and darks with darks, but cool dry with cool dry and gentle rinse cycle with gentle rinse cycle items. The more attention you pay, the longer your clothes will stay looking like new!

» Use a mesh bag for washing delicates. Put delicates inside it before washing to prevent them from catching on the washer and other garments.

» Avoid the dryer! It is better for you, the environment, and your CLOTHES if you air dry. Dryers not only rapidly dry your clothes, they rapidly wear down your clothes also.

» If possible hang your clothes on a plastic hanger to dry. This will prevent your clothes from wrinkling as much. I do this all the time, for me is the best way to dry my clothes. 

When you create your capsule wardrobe, one of the things you are able to do is to invest on some quality pieces that will last you a long time, but.. yes there is a but, you do need to take care of them, an investment piece is not only about the price you spend on it, is about the care you give to it. If you want it to last a few years or more, you need to take care of it.

So here are some tips to keep in mind when taking care of your clothing investments:

» Don't buy clothes that need to be dry cleaned. This will save you money and time.

» Read the labels on your pieces. This will help to know and "understand" what your clothes need. Most of the clothing pieces get the same care, but there may be a special piece that needs a different approach when washing or ironing.

» Don’t over wash your clothes. If you wash your clothes more than you should be washing them, otherwise they will lose their color or widen from all the washing.

» Organize your laundry. When it is time to do laundry, carefully read the tags on your clothes and divide accordingly. Not only lights with lights and darks with darks, but cool dry with cool dry and gentle rinse cycle with gentle rinse cycle items. The more attention you pay, the longer your clothes will stay looking like new!

» Use a mesh bag for washing delicates. Put delicates inside it before washing to prevent them from catching on the washer and other garments.

» Avoid the dryer! It is better for you, the environment, and your CLOTHES if you air dry. Dryers not only rapidly dry your clothes, they rapidly wear down your clothes also.

» If possible hang your clothes on a plastic hanger to dry. This will prevent your clothes from wrinkling as much. I do this all the time, for me is the best way to dry my clothes. 

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  1. Ótimas dicas! Realmente preciso cuidar melhor das minhas roupas se quiser que o Capsule Wardrobe dê certo.

    1. Claro =)
      Uma coisa é comprar roupas de 5€ que nao dura nem um mes, outra é roupa de 30€ e 40€. Temos de as tratar com muito cuidado, ha ha :P


  2. Also, do not air dry in direct sunlight. It makes the colors fade. A spot with some wind and no sun is perfect.

    1. Great tip.
      I hang mine inside and open the windows =)


  3. Colocas a secar nos cabides de madeira? E não há problema?

    1. Ola Ana =)
      Nao, eu tenho uns quantos cabides de plástico para secar a roupa, não sei se os de madeira também funcionam, pois podem absorver a agua da roupa e ficarem estragados.
      Devia ter especificado nao era? :P





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