image from tumblr
Becoming a minimalist is a long journey, but it's worth it. It has so many benefits for your life and will also affect others in a positive way. Here are some of the benefits I found during this journey:

1. Spend Less
2. More Money
3. Create room for what’s important
4. Easier to Clean
5. Less Stress
6. Own Higher Quality Things
7. Be Happier
8. Time for Things that Matter Most
9. No more clutter
10. Live in a Smaller Space
11. Find Things Easier
12. More freedom
13. Less focus on material possessions
14. More Time
15. No more debt
16. Less luggage
17. Good for the environment
18. Easier to get dressed in the morning
19. Less Laundry
20. Less Consumerism
image from tumblr
Becoming a minimalist is a long journey, but it's worth it. It has so many benefits for your life and will also affect others in a positive way. Here are some of the benefits I found during this journey:

1. Spend Less
2. More Money
3. Create room for what’s important
4. Easier to Clean
5. Less Stress
6. Own Higher Quality Things
7. Be Happier
8. Time for Things that Matter Most
9. No more clutter
10. Live in a Smaller Space
11. Find Things Easier
12. More freedom
13. Less focus on material possessions
14. More Time
15. No more debt
16. Less luggage
17. Good for the environment
18. Easier to get dressed in the morning
19. Less Laundry
20. Less Consumerism

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  1. It look great! A part of me (like home deco) is minimalist... eheh

    1. That's great =)
      I can't resist a good minimalist home decor ^


  2. Desses itens, o que mais tem me marcado é de possuir menos coisas, mas de qualidade. Eu era bem o oposto disto. Mas concordo com todos os itens!

    1. Sim, eu tambem era o oposto.
      Esse item tambem é um dos que mais me marcou.


  3. Tens toda a razão nestes tópicos...sobretudo com o facto de perderes tempo com o que realmente importa e consumires menos... também eu adoptei um estilo de vida minimalista e vivo bem mais feliz e até leve por isso.

  4. Tornar-me minimalista foi uma das melhores coisas que podia ter feito. Agora olha para a vida de outra maneira e o meu dia a dia fica completamente diferente.
    Fico feliz por saber que também adoptas-te este estilo minimalista =) Mais pessoas o deviam fazer ^^

    Obrigado pelo comentário :D




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