A good shopper always knows how to take advantage of the sales. As since I do consider myself a good shopper I would be mad if I didn't took advantage of this Winter Sales. Although I don't plan to buy that many thing, I must admit that I do need to invest in some pieces and purchase some beauty items that I have run out of.

I still haven't found a replacement for my cream sweater, so that's one thing on my list. Also my bras are so old that I feel like ate any moment I'm going to be bra less on the street, ha ha. A trip to Oysho should do the trick. Some new nail polish to replace my old ones, a black dress, liquid eyeliner and a brown eye pencil are pretty much the things I'm thinking of purchasing. 
I now feel so much at ease when shopping in the Sales, no more pressure to get the best deals for things I don't even need or wanted in the first place.
Let the Countdown start.

A good shopper always knows how to take advantage of the sales. As since I do consider myself a good shopper I would be mad if I didn't took advantage of this Winter Sales. Although I don't plan to buy that many thing, I must admit that I do need to invest in some pieces and purchase some beauty items that I have run out of.

I still haven't found a replacement for my cream sweater, so that's one thing on my list. Also my bras are so old that I feel like ate any moment I'm going to be bra less on the street, ha ha. A trip to Oysho should do the trick. Some new nail polish to replace my old ones, a black dress, liquid eyeliner and a brown eye pencil are pretty much the things I'm thinking of purchasing. 
I now feel so much at ease when shopping in the Sales, no more pressure to get the best deals for things I don't even need or wanted in the first place.
Let the Countdown start.

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