01 Curviest Caramel / 04 Heftiest Hibiscus

I was never a lipstick lover, and I'm still not.. But since I found the Chubby Sticks from Clinique I found myself really liking to wear them. Recently I bought an orange red one, it's quite bright, but for some reason I don't feel self conscious when wearing it. I really love the new shade that I bought, it looks great on my skin tone and since I like to keep my eye makeup very simple this just adds that pop of colour that I need some days.

Check out the swatches over HERE
01 Curviest Caramel / 04 Heftiest Hibiscus

I was never a lipstick lover, and I'm still not.. But since I found the Chubby Sticks from Clinique I found myself really liking to wear them. Recently I bought an orange red one, it's quite bright, but for some reason I don't feel self conscious when wearing it. I really love the new shade that I bought, it looks great on my skin tone and since I like to keep my eye makeup very simple this just adds that pop of colour that I need some days.

Check out the swatches over HERE

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  1. Gostei muito das cores que escolheste. Só faltou mesmo colocares o nome ou numero dos mesmos ;)

    1. Vou por assim que me for possivel, obrigado por me lembrares =)


  2. I totally want to get back into being a Clinique girl. Their products are quite good. Howd you find out about the chubby sticks? I never even heard of them. You should post a pic of your lips so we can see the color ;)

    1. I think I was in Sephora and I just saw them there. Since I don't like lipsticks that much i thought I would give the Chubby Stick a try.
      I don't know if I'm going to be able to add pics of my lips, but I will definitely add the colour name to the post !





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