I finally got the time and the computer to make this post. I'm going to start with out day in Milan because is the easiest, and since my computer is not at it's best right now I just wanted to make at least one post of the trip before my computer dies forever. I hope you guys enjoy this post and at the end of the post you will also find a few tips for Milan. (Also some photos may be out of focus because my lens is broken, so the focus was not working)

An amazing Gothic Cathedral right in the center of Milan. This was the main attraction in Milan to see, unfortunately we were not able to go to the top of the Duomo because we were short on money and paying 8€ to go to the top was a bit too much! But we were content to see the interior of the cathedral and the amazing work on the outside.. it was breathtaking.

After we went into the Duomo we stopped by the Vittorio Emanuel Galleries that are situated next to the Duomo, it is a very chic and elegant place to shop of have a cup of coffee. The place itself is an master piece, all the architectural details and the marvelous ceilings. There was actually a fresh married couple taking pictures there, I bet those wedding pictures will turn out amazing. 

Chic and expensive stores on the inside, and chic and expensive stores on the outside. Cartier? Yes please. Milan is really a place of fashion and a place to shop.. big. And the high fashion stores mixed with the amazing architecture just make the place even more beautiful and appealing.

I don't remember well where this street was located, we kinda got lost. But I really enjoyed getting lost on such amazing place, I enjoyed going window shopping at Dolce&Gabbana, Prada, Tiffanys, Reppetto.. It was like heaven for those who love to shop and for those who like window shopping - like me.

This was actually one of my favorite places to visit. It's more beautiful at sunset, when they turn on the little lights right above the canal and the place just transforms to a beautiful romantic place. The canal is probably the highlight of the neighborhood, but along the margin of the canal you can find great coffee shops and restaurants and even better, you can find art studios and little art galleries hidden along the way. It's a place to explore and fall in love.

We found this really nice restaurant on the margin of the canal, I immediately fell in Love with it because it resembles a little cottage.. and everyone knows that little cottages are most found in England.. and for those who know me they know that I love everything about England and the UK, so finding this picturesque place in Milan was the cherry on top of the cake.

As I said, along the margins of the canal you can find amazing and cute places with art... and cupcakes! With a art gallery on the right and a cupcake shop on the left, it is impossible not to fall in love with all of it. If I had to choose a place to live in Milan it would definitely be this neighborhood. 

We left Navigli and just went exploring the surrounding. A lot of great architecture on the streets, it's a great place to explore, if we had more time I bet we would end up finding some pretty amazing places.

On another place we went to we also got a little lost, but that was quit alright because we once again found a hidden place, it was closed at the time but we still enjoyed the great architecture of the place.

  • Buy a one day travel ticket for the metro, bus and electric. It costs 4,50€ and it has the duration of 24h. 
  • Be aware: the Malpensa Shuttle that goes from the airport to Milan costs 16€ (round trip ticket). For me this was quit expensive
  • The prices of the Duomo have increase, a trip to the top by stairs cost around 7/8€
  • Also at the Duomo: there is a dress code. So dress for the occasion.
  • The cheapest thing to eat in Milan? Pizza of course. We bought a huge pizza for only 4€ that could feed 2 people. Also look for food in supermarkets (cookies, yogurt, chips, bread, etc..) it's much cheaper.
  • At some coffee shops: be aware that some establishments may charge you for the table serving/per person. We went into a coffee shop were we didn't realized this and we ended up paying 1€ each person that was served.
  • Souvenirs are a bit expensive there... and I really hatted their postcards. As a souvenir I bought an Italian magazine.
  • Get lost. Yes you read it right... getting lost in the city may have it's advantage. You never know what you will discover.
I finally got the time and the computer to make this post. I'm going to start with out day in Milan because is the easiest, and since my computer is not at it's best right now I just wanted to make at least one post of the trip before my computer dies forever. I hope you guys enjoy this post and at the end of the post you will also find a few tips for Milan. (Also some photos may be out of focus because my lens is broken, so the focus was not working)

An amazing Gothic Cathedral right in the center of Milan. This was the main attraction in Milan to see, unfortunately we were not able to go to the top of the Duomo because we were short on money and paying 8€ to go to the top was a bit too much! But we were content to see the interior of the cathedral and the amazing work on the outside.. it was breathtaking.

After we went into the Duomo we stopped by the Vittorio Emanuel Galleries that are situated next to the Duomo, it is a very chic and elegant place to shop of have a cup of coffee. The place itself is an master piece, all the architectural details and the marvelous ceilings. There was actually a fresh married couple taking pictures there, I bet those wedding pictures will turn out amazing. 

Chic and expensive stores on the inside, and chic and expensive stores on the outside. Cartier? Yes please. Milan is really a place of fashion and a place to shop.. big. And the high fashion stores mixed with the amazing architecture just make the place even more beautiful and appealing.

I don't remember well where this street was located, we kinda got lost. But I really enjoyed getting lost on such amazing place, I enjoyed going window shopping at Dolce&Gabbana, Prada, Tiffanys, Reppetto.. It was like heaven for those who love to shop and for those who like window shopping - like me.

This was actually one of my favorite places to visit. It's more beautiful at sunset, when they turn on the little lights right above the canal and the place just transforms to a beautiful romantic place. The canal is probably the highlight of the neighborhood, but along the margin of the canal you can find great coffee shops and restaurants and even better, you can find art studios and little art galleries hidden along the way. It's a place to explore and fall in love.

We found this really nice restaurant on the margin of the canal, I immediately fell in Love with it because it resembles a little cottage.. and everyone knows that little cottages are most found in England.. and for those who know me they know that I love everything about England and the UK, so finding this picturesque place in Milan was the cherry on top of the cake.

As I said, along the margins of the canal you can find amazing and cute places with art... and cupcakes! With a art gallery on the right and a cupcake shop on the left, it is impossible not to fall in love with all of it. If I had to choose a place to live in Milan it would definitely be this neighborhood. 

We left Navigli and just went exploring the surrounding. A lot of great architecture on the streets, it's a great place to explore, if we had more time I bet we would end up finding some pretty amazing places.

On another place we went to we also got a little lost, but that was quit alright because we once again found a hidden place, it was closed at the time but we still enjoyed the great architecture of the place.

  • Buy a one day travel ticket for the metro, bus and electric. It costs 4,50€ and it has the duration of 24h. 
  • Be aware: the Malpensa Shuttle that goes from the airport to Milan costs 16€ (round trip ticket). For me this was quit expensive
  • The prices of the Duomo have increase, a trip to the top by stairs cost around 7/8€
  • Also at the Duomo: there is a dress code. So dress for the occasion.
  • The cheapest thing to eat in Milan? Pizza of course. We bought a huge pizza for only 4€ that could feed 2 people. Also look for food in supermarkets (cookies, yogurt, chips, bread, etc..) it's much cheaper.
  • At some coffee shops: be aware that some establishments may charge you for the table serving/per person. We went into a coffee shop were we didn't realized this and we ended up paying 1€ each person that was served.
  • Souvenirs are a bit expensive there... and I really hatted their postcards. As a souvenir I bought an Italian magazine.
  • Get lost. Yes you read it right... getting lost in the city may have it's advantage. You never know what you will discover.


  1. Que sorte! As fotos estão magnificas e parece ser um sitio incrível para visitar :)
    Gostava de um dia ir a Itália, por acaso :)

  2. As fotos estão lindas como sempre! E adorei as dicas!

  3. Ainda bem que fizeste este artigo :P Eu devo ir viver para lá um aninho de Erasmus. Era para ir para a Finlândia mas os planos mudaram :P eheh


    1. Isso é mesmo fantástico. Eu infelizmente nunca cheguei a ter a oportunidade de fazer Erasmus. Tens imensa sorte =)
      Cuidado que eles la são como os Espanhóis, fingem que não sabem Inglês ha ha xD


  4. Fotos lindas! Tens algum curso de fotografia? E adorava conhecer Milão, quem sabe um dia :D

    1. Obrigado =)
      Nao, nao tenho nenhum curso, mas gostava de tirar um no futuro.
      Aconselho a ires a Milão. Nem fica muito caro a viagem e a estadia, as coisas la é que são um pouco mais caras.


  5. Ai que delicia de fotografias... Mas se gostaste de Milão, aconselho-te a conheceres mais cidades Italianas. Vais ver que ainda gostas mais! :)
    E quanto ao dress code no Duomo, é assim em todas as igrejas e catedrais italianas. Não é bem um dress code, mas não se pode entrar de calções, de tops, de peito à mostra, etc etc. Uma data de regras...

  6. Olá Sophie adorei as fotos de Milão mas aposto que as da Grécia vão ser de cortar a respiração.
    São dois países que tenho como destinos de sonho pois sou fã de civilizações antigas, então se pudesse ir ao Egito ficava no céu ;)
    E já agora, podes indicar-me que lentes usas na tua Canon 1000D?
    Estou a pensar aproveitar a promo da Fnac e comprar ou a Canon 1100D ou a Nikon D3100 mas estou muito indecisa entre as duas. Algum conselho? Podes fazer uma rápida review dela? Bjo

    1. Eu também adoro civilizações antigas, e o Egipto é sem duvida um lugar onde gostaria de ir. Em breve irei publicar algumas fotos da Mykonos =)
      Quanto a maquina, não sei se sou a melhor pessoa para te ajudar a escolher entre a Canon ou a Nikon.
      Eu comprei a minha Canon quase a 5 anos e vinha com a lente 18 - 55 mm, entretanto estragou.se em Mykonos e tive de comprar uma nova, mas acabei por comprar uma igual pois gosto bastante desta lente.
      Uma coisa que melhorava na lente era ter um alcance maior, ou seja em vez de 55mm tive-se 70mm ou assim. Mas na Fnac eles ajudam-te com as tuas duvidas todas.

      Espero ter ajudado nem que seja um bocadinho :P


    2. Ajudaste sim, então todas as tuas fotos foram tiradas com a lente 18-55mm e depois editaste a luminosidade, etc., certo? Consegue-se efeitos desfocados com essa lente? E já agora, quanto custa mais ou menos uma nova?

    3. Sim eu depois edito um bocado as fotos, mas tambem quando estou a tirar a foto arranjo logo a luminosidade na maquina.
      E sim a lente da para fazer efeitos desfocados.
      Uma lente nova custou-me 199€ na Worten.





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